| | html code: | | Standard space character, separator |
| | |   | Thin space character |
| | html code: |   | A bit wider space character |
| | |   | Wide space character |
| — | html code: | — | Long minus, long dash, hyphen, — |
| ⁄ | | ⁄ | Fraction slash, solidus character |
Just some
| … | html code: | … | Ellipsis, ellipses, three dots, etc, etcetera, et cetera, many dots, dot-dot-dot, dot dot dot. Alt code: 0133 |
| æ | html code: | æ | Ash tree, aesc, ae, ea |
| & | | & | And sign |
| ° | html code: | ° | Degree sign |
| № | | № | Number sign, № |
| ™ | html code: | ™ | Trade mark sign |
| © | | © | Copyright sign |
| ® | html code: | ® | Registered sign |
| @ | | @ | Dog, At sign, @ |
| † | html code: | † | Dagger, cross, † |
| ‡ | | ‡ | Double-sided dagger, double dagger, ‡ |
| § | html code: | § | Paragraph, section sign |
| # | | # | Number sign, sharp character, # |
| μ | html code: | μ | Mu sign |
| Θ | | Θ | Greek capital theta sign |
| ¤ | html code: | ¤ | Current sign, coin sign |
| < | html code: | < | Tag opening, less than sign, angle quotes |
| > | | > | Tag closing, more than sign, angle quotes |
| [ | html code: | [ | Square opening brace, [ |
| ] | | ] | Square closing brace, ] |
| ( | html code: | ( | Left parenthesis, round opening brackets, comment starting, ( |
| ) | | ) | Right parenthesis, round closing brackets, comment ening, ) |
| { | html code: | { | Left curly brace, { |
| } | | } | Right curly brace, } |
| ′ | html code: | ′ | Standard quotation marks, prime sign |
| " | | " | Quotation (Citate) marks sign |
| ‘ | html code: | ‘ | Opening quotation mark sign, ‘ |
| ’ | | ’ | Closing quotation mark, apostrophe sign, ’ |
| ‹ | html code: | ‹ | Citate opening sign, angle quotes |
| › | | › | Citate closing, angle quotes |
| « | html code: | « | Guillemets, rewind, angle quotes open sign |
| » | | » | Guillemets, fast forward, angle quotes cloe sign |
Currency symbols
| $ | html code: | $ | USD, Dollar sign, Bucks sign, $ |
| € | | € | EUR, Euro sign, € |
| £ | html code: | £ | GBP, English, Pound sign |
| ¥ | | ¥ | JPY, Yen sign |
| ¢ | html code: | ¢ | Cent sign |
Cards game signs
| ◊ | html code: | ◊ | Rhombus, Rombus, Lozenge card character |
| ♦ | | ♦ | Diams card character. In notepad: Alt + Num Pad 4 with Num Pad 'unlocked'. ALT + #4 |
| ♠ | html code: | ♠ | Spades card character. In notepad: Alt + Num Pad 6 with Num Pad 'unlocked'. ALT + #6 |
| ♣ | | ♣ | Shamrock, Clubs card character. In notepad: Alt + Num Pad 5 with Num Pad 'unlocked'. ALT + #5 |
| ♥ | html code: | ♥ | Valentine, love, Hearts card character. In notepad: Alt + Num Pad 3 with Num Pad 'unlocked'. ALT + #3 |
Arrow characters
| ↵ | html code: | ↵ | Carriege return, cursor point to begin, new line, line break |
| ← | | ← | Left arrow |
| → | html code: | → | Right arrow |
| ↔ | | ↔ | Two-sided arrow, double-sided arrow, double sided arrow |
| ↑ | html code: | ↑ | Up arrow |
| ↓ | | ↓ | Down arrow |
| ⇐ | html code: | ⇐ | Left double arrow |
| ⇒ | | ⇒ | Right double arrow |
| ⇔ | html code: | ⇔ | Two sided double arrow, double sided double arrow |
| ⇓ | | ⇓ | Down double arrow |
| ⇑ | html code: | ⇑ | Up double arrow |
Frequently used maths signs
| Δ | html code: | Δ | Change, triangle up, delta character |
| ∇ | | ∇ | Nabla character, triangle down, harp, upside-down delta, upside-down triangle |
| ƒ | html code: | ƒ | Function sign |
| π | | π | Pi sign |
| ± | html code: | ± | Plus-minus, plus minus |
| ÷ | | ÷ | Divide, devide, calc divide sign |
| × | html code: | × | Times, multiply sign, calc multiply |
| ¹ | | ¹ | First degree of the polynomial, 1-st degree sign |
| ² | html code: | ² | Second degree of the polynomial, 2-nd degree, square sign |
| ³ | | ³ | Third degree of the polynomial, 3-rd degree, cobe sign |
| ½ | html code: | ½ | Half, division by 2, devision by 2, 1/2 sign |
| ¼ | | ¼ | One Forth, division by 4, devision by 4, 1/4 sign |
| ¾ | html code: | ¾ | 3/4 sign |
Maths symbols
| ≤ | html code: | ≤ | Less or equal, less-equal, not more sign |
| ≥ | | ≥ | More or equal, more-equal, not less sign |
| · | html code: | · | Middle dot, bullet, interpunct. In notepad: Alt + Num Pad 7 with Num Pad 'unlocked'. ALT + #7 (reversed colors - #8) |
| ∏ | | ∏ | Product, multiply function |
| ∑ | html code: | ∑ | Sum, summary, altogether, sigma sign |
| − | | − | Minus, small hyphen |
| √ | html code: | √ | Square root, Yes, Accepted |
| ∞ | | ∞ | Infinity |
| ∠ | html code: | ∠ | Angle |
| ∼ | | ∼ | Similar, approximate sign |
| ∈ | html code: | ∈ | Is in, in set, inside |
Symbols from advanced maths
| ∝ | html code: | ∝ | Proportional |
| ≈ | | ≈ | Asymptotic, similar, approximate sign |
| ∫ | html code: | ∫ | Integral |
| ∀ | | ∀ | For all, Forall, every |
| ∃ | html code: | ∃ | Exists sign, at least one |
| ∂ | | ∂ | Part of |
| ∅ | html code: | ∅ | Empty, latin o slash. Ø - Ø |
| ∉ | | ∉ | Not in set sign |
| ∩ | html code: | ∩ | In both sets |
| ∪ | | ∪ | Summarize sets, summary set |
| ‰ | html code: | ‰ | Permil, per mile, permile, promille |
| ∴ | | ∴ | Therefore sign |
| ⊥ | html code: | ⊥ | Perpendecular, 90 degrees |
All characters are supported by Firefox browser.
* Some (mostly of advanced maths) characters aren't supported by a few versions of Internet Explorer.